Deploy the Azure Event Grid viewer and Create an Event Grid subscription
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    Deploy the Azure Event Grid viewer and Create an Event Grid subscription

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    Article Summary

    #ServerlessTips - Azure Bicep
    Author: Dave Rendon Microsoft MVP

    This article will show you how to leverage the Azure Event Grid viewer application to display notifications from Event Grid near-real time in your environment using Infrastructure-as-Code with Azure Bicep.

    The web app that will be deployed should refresh as messages are received, providing the user with the experience of a real-time feed.

    Azure Bicep is a domain-specific language (DSL) that uses a declarative syntax to deploy Azure resources.

    The Bicep is an abstraction on Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates to define Azure resources using declarative Infrastructure as Code.


    • An Active Azure account: You can create an account for free.
    Azure Bicep is installed on your local machine.
    • Azure PowerShell. See: Install Azure PowerShell.
    • A resource group in your Azure subscription
    Let's get started!

    1. Solution Overview

    We will author a Bicep template that creates a web app that deploys the Azure Event Grid Viewer application from a Docker container and an Event Grid Topic and the Event Grid Subscription.

    The solution will include the following files:

    • 📄 main.bicep: This is the Bicep template that will deploy the resources.
    • 📄 azuredeploy.parameters.json: This parameter file contains the values for deploying your Bicep template.

    2. Azure Bicep Template — parameters and variables

    Please create a new file in your working directory and name it main. Bicep. We will define the following parameters and variables:

    param webAppPrefix string = 'azinsidr' // Generate unique String for web app name
    param sku string = 'F1' // The SKU of App Service Plan
    param location string = resourceGroup().location // Location for all resources
    var appServicePlanName = toLower('AppServicePlan-${webAppPrefix}')
    var webAppName = toLower('wapp-${webAppPrefix}')
    @description('The name of the Event Grid custom topic.')
    param eventGridTopicName string = '${webAppPrefix}-topic'
    @description('The name of the Event Grid custom topic\'s subscription.')
    param eventGridSubscriptionName string = '${webAppPrefix}-sub'
    @description('The webhook URL to send the subscription events to. This URL must be valid and must be prepared to accept the Event Grid webhook URL challenge request.')
    param eventGridSubscriptionUrl string = 'https://wapp-${webAppPrefix}'

    3. Azure Bicep Template — resources

    We will define the following resources:

    resource appServicePlan 'Microsoft.Web/serverfarms@2020-06-01' = {
      name: appServicePlanName
      location: location
      properties: {
        reserved: true
      sku: {
        name: sku
      kind: 'linux'
    resource webApp 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2021-01-01' = {
      name: webAppName
      location: location
      tags: {}
      properties: {
        siteConfig: {
          appSettings: []
          linuxFxVersion: 'DOCKER|microsoftlearning/azure-event-grid-viewer:latest'
    resource eventGridTopic 'Microsoft.EventGrid/topics@2020-06-01' = {
      name: eventGridTopicName
      location: location
    resource eventGridSubscription 'Microsoft.EventGrid/eventSubscriptions@2020-06-01' = {
      name: eventGridSubscriptionName
      scope: eventGridTopic
      properties: {
        destination: {
          endpointType: 'WebHook'
          properties: {
            endpointUrl: eventGridSubscriptionUrl

    4. Parameters file

    You can optionally create a new file named azuredeploy.parameters.json. The code below shows the definition of an empty parameters file:

        "$schema": "",
        "contentVersion": "",
        "parameters": {

    5. Azure Bicep Template — Deployment

    We will use the command below to deploy our Bicep template:

    $date = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy"
    $rand = Get-Random -Maximum 1000
    $deploymentName = "AzInsiderDeployment-"+"$date"+"-"+"$rand"
    New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -Name $deploymentName -ResourceGroupName azinsider_demo -TemplateFile .\main.bicep -TemplateParameterFile .\azuredeploy.parameters.json -c

    The image below shows the preview of the deployment:


    Then we will execute the deployment. The image below shows the deployment output:


    Once the deployment completes, you can verify the deployment using the Azure Portal:


    Go to the URL of the web app and see the event subscription that was recently created, as shown below:


    Note you can expand to see the details of the event.

    Source Code

    You can find the code of this solution in the following URL. Feel free to contribute!

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