January 2021
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    January 2021

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    Azure Serverless Monthly

    Your Serverless digest!

    Azure Serverless Monthly is a quick read version that includes all the latest Microsoft Azure Serverless Updates like blog articles, podcasts and videos from Microsoft Azure and the rich ecosystem built around this community.

    It is aimed at Developer, Architect working in your Enterprise Application Integration projects involving Azure Serverless components trying to keep on top of the latest Azure serverless developments.

    Azure Cosmos DB Management with PowerShell cmdlets is now generally available

    Posted on 21 January, 2021

    Manage Azure Cosmos DB resources using PowerShell cmdlets in the Azure Cosmos DB Powershell module—providing full support for all features in general availability for Azure Cosmos DB and across all API’s. Read More

    LIKE keyword support now generally available in Azure Cosmos DB

    Posted on 21 January, 2021

    Announcing support for LIKE keyword, a popular SQL keyword for doing text search in Azure Cosmos DB. Read More

    Azure Cosmos DB: Multiple region Availability Zones support with single-region write now generally available

    Posted on 21 January, 2021

    The general availability of Availability Zone support for Azure Cosmos DB accounts configured for two or more regions with single-region writes may lower pricing and includes increased availability SLA. Read More

    Public preview: Prevent Shared Key authorization on Azure Storage accounts

    Posted on 21 January, 2021

    Enhance secure access to Azure Storage accounts with Prevent Shared Key authorization. Read More

    Generally available: Copy Blob support over private endpoints in Azure Storage

    Posted on 22 January, 2021

    Azure Storage now supports copying of data between storage accounts using private endpoints. This includes support for the Copy Blob API and utilities such as AzCopy. Read More

    Azure Data Factory is now available in two additional regions

    Posted on 25 January, 2021

    Azure Data Factory is now available in two new regions: China North 2 and South India. Read More

    Python 3.9 in Azure Functions is now in public preview

    Posted on 25 January, 2021

    Announcing some enhancements to the development experience for Python workloads in Azure Functions, including support for Python 3.9. Read More

    Azure API Management Updates - January, 2021

    Posted on 27 January, 2021

    A regular Azure API Management service update was started on January 21, 2021, and included several new features and bug fixes, along other improvements. It may take several weeks for your API Management service to receive the update. Read More

    Community Content

    Here's a collection of some of the most note worthy blog articles posted by community enthusiast over the last month.

    1. Azure Serverless Apps in 10 minutes
      By John Peters
    2. WebSub to EventGrid via CloudEvents, and Beyond
      By Justin Yoo
    3. Azure Functions Live – January 2021
      By Modhana
    4. Event-Driven on Azure: Part 1 – Why you should consider an event-driven architecture
      By Shelton Graves
    5. How to Protect your Azure blob storage from accidental deletion
      By Pierre Roman
    6. Azure Service Bus Throttling Conditions to be Considered in Messaging Platform
      By Nadeem Ahamed
    7. Azure Storage services introduction
      By Mage Valentine
    8. Azure SQL copy database to a different server
      By David Alzamendi
    9. How to deploy Your React App automagically in Azure
      By Johan Rin
    10. Always encrypted with secure enclaves in Azure SQL Database preview
      By Jakub Szymaszek
    11. CloudEvents for Azure EventGrid via Azure Functions
      By Justin Yoo
    12. Azure Logic Apps Running Anywhere - Built-In Service Bus Trigger: batching and session handling
      By Praveen Srivastava
    13. Azure Logic Apps - Authenticate with managed identity for Azure AD OAuth-based connectors
      By Nidhi Pathak
    14. Azure Event Hubs are not Queues
      By Gustav Wengel
    15. How to easily create Azure Functions using Azure Portal
      By Sumit Kharche
    16. How to create and publish Azure Function from Visual Studio
      By Sumit Kharche
    17. Consuming long running Workday RaaS service from Logic Apps with Azure APIM
      By Mike Stephenson
    18. Deployment issues with Logic Apps custom connector
      By Arindam Debnath
    19. Subject filtering on blob events in Azure Event Grid
      By Will Velida
    20. Microsoft Azure Monitoring
      By Madhavan


    Looking for an interesting webinar to add to your calendar? We have got it covered!

    Accelerating support to Microsoft Azure Serverless resources!

    Join this webinar to discover the out of box capabilities from Turbo360 (Formerly Serverless360) designed to meet the real-time operational requirements. Also, listen from the customers on how Turbo360 had helped them in accelerating support to Microsoft Azure Serverless resources hence significantly reducing the total cost of ownership. Know More

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