Make your Service Bus highly available using Availability Zones
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    Make your Service Bus highly available using Availability Zones

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    Article Summary

    #ServerlessTips - Azure Functions
    Author: Steef-Jan Wiggers Azure MVP

    To enable high availability for a Service Bus namespace and its entities, you can leverage the premium tier. The premium offers support for Availability Zones (AZ) - unique physical locations within an Azure region made up of several data centers, each having independent power supply and networking. Furthermore, AZ, combined with disaster recovery features, offers high availability and fault tolerance that can withstand zone and regional outages.

    Enabling AZ is straightforward when choosing the premium tier of a new service bus namespace. You check ‘Make this namespace zone redundant’.

    Azure Service Bus Tip 03 - Picture 1.png

    Or when provisioning a new namespace with an Azure Resource Management (ARM) template, you set the zoneRedudant property to true.

    "resources": [
           "apiVersion": "2018-01-01-preview",
           "name": "[parameters('serviceBusNamespaceName')]",
           "type": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces",
           "location": "[parameters('location')]",
           "sku": {
             "name": "Premium"
       "properties": {

    The AZ support with Service Premium is available in a limited number of Azure Regions

    With AZ configured on a service bus namespace, you have made your service redundant within an Azure region. To further enhance availability, you can create another service bus namespace in another region and pair this namespace as secondary. You pair namespaces through the Geo-Recovery feature – see also Service Bus Tip Implementing Geo-Disaster Recovery for a Service Bus Namespace.

    Also, get insights into Azure Service Bus monitoring on messaging issues and how you can improve them.


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