Mapping options in Azure Logic Apps
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    Mapping options in Azure Logic Apps

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    Article Summary

    #ServerlessTips - Azure Logic Apps
    Author: Steef-Jan Wiggers Azure MVP

    With an integration account as a service for storing your maps, you can perform a mapping with XML and JSON messages.

    For instance, you can upload an XML or flat file schemas to an integration account to use them to convert a flat file payload to XML, or XML payload to JSON.

    With the Microsoft Azure Logic Apps Enterprise Integration Tools for Visual Studio 2015 installed on your machine, you can create schemas and maps for your Logic Apps. Or in case you have a BizTalk Development environment available - you can create your schemas and maps in Visual Studio 2015.

    Note that in that case, you do not need to install the previously mentioned tools!

    The integration account project available in Visual Studio 2015 allows you to create a flat file, or XML schema and maps. The mapping experience is similar to creating mappings for BizTalk Server. Once you have created schemas and maps, you can upload them to your integration account. Next, you will have a link to the integration account to your Logic Apps and leverage the transformation capabilities.

    For JSON mapping you can build Liquid templates, which do not depend on Visual Studio. Liquid is an open-source template language created by Shopify and written in Ruby – and you can use Liquid templates to build a map for JSON transformations. Again you can, like your XML artefacts (schema’s and maps) you can upload the liquid templates.

    Once you want to do the transformation and leverage the integration account, you will increase the TCO of your Logic App.

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