Resizing images - Event Grid, Functions, Storage
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    Resizing images - Event Grid, Functions, Storage

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    Article Summary

    In the previous Event Grid Tip, we discussed the ability of Event Grid in collaboration with other Serverless services like Azure Functions could support a fan-in/fan-out scenario. By uploading images to a blob container in an Azure storage account, you can trigger a process of image processing, for instance, resizing the uploaded pictures and store them in another container.
    Event Grid, Functions, Storage.png
    Uploading images to a blob container in a storage account (version 2) results in a blobCreated event; this event adheres to the Event Grid schema, and would look like:

    "topic": "/subscriptions/0bf166ac-9aa8-4597-bb2a-a845afe01415/resourceGroups/RG_LicensePlates_Demo/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/licenseplatesstorage",
    "subject": "/blobServices/default/containers/images/blobs/LicensePlate1.png",
    "eventType": "Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated",
    "eventTime": "2018-06-05T08:35:26.2778593Z",
    "id": "2c6f7c22-201e-00b7-0aa8-fca7ce06e319",
    "data": {
    "api": "PutBlob",
    "clientRequestId": "32a51839-6bf5-44d6-acfe-7d284229988c",
    "requestId": "2c6f7c22-201e-00b7-0aa8-fca7ce000000",
    "eTag": "0x8D5CABF497519C6",
    "contentType": "application/octet-stream",
    "contentLength": 41860,
    "blobType": "BlockBlob",
    "url": "",
    "sequencer": "000000000000000000000000000008BC0000000003fd850f",
    "storageDiagnostics": {
    "batchId": "fbb4e831-82b2-4e64-b0e5-0735449f9cb7"


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