Target Supports Teams - Azure Event Grid
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    Target Supports Teams - Azure Event Grid

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    Article Summary

    Azure Event Grid is a managed service allowing users to have subscribers handle events from multiple sources. These subscriptions are flexible utilizing filtering (see also advanced filtering). Moreover, you can route specific events to individual handlers like Logic Apps – allowing notifications to support teams.

    Assume an order process built with Logic Apps, Functions, Azure Storage, and a SaaS solution. Within the process, the validation of an order message fails in a Logic App – persisting the failed message in a storage container named failedValidation. Subsequently, a blobCreated event is raised and pushed to Event Grid Topic in the Storage Account where the container resides. Another Logic App subscribes to this event specifically, downloads the invalid message from the container and creates an email with the message as an attachment.
    Target appropriate Support teams.png
    With Event Grid you can allow event handlers subscribing to specific events, which they can handle accordingly – thus allowing specific support models; routing to the appropriate support team to handle in this case validation error. The root cause of the validation failing could be the order lacks mandatory details and requires investigation by the appropriate support engineer. Hence, you can optimize your support process by handling errors described above.


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