The most important configuration settings of Open Service Mesh (OSM)
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    The most important configuration settings of Open Service Mesh (OSM)

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    Article Summary

    #ServerlessTips - Open Service Mesh
    Author: Stephane Eyskens, Azure MVP

    Like most meshes, OSM leverages the ambassador pattern to work with your applications. This means that the mesh injects your application’s pod to create a sidecar proxy between your application container and the external world. Every call is therefore handled by the mesh’s sidecar instead of your application container directly. The sidecar pattern is widely used in K8s to handle cross-cutting concerns, not only to implement the ambassador pattern. The downside of sidecars is the overhead of memory and CPU consumption.

    It appears that OSM’s configuration setting can dramatically impact the amount of memory used by the OSM sidecar. The default settings shown below can be overridden through the meshconfig custom resource definition.

        certKeyBitSize: 2048 
        serviceCertValidityDuration: 24h 
        enableAsyncProxyServiceMapping: false 
        enableEgressPolicy: true 
        enableEnvoyActiveHealthChecks: false 
        enableIngressBackendPolicy: true 
        enableRetryPolicy: false 
        enableSnapshotCacheMode: false 
        enableWASMStats: true 
        enableDebugServer: true 
        osmLogLevel: info 
          enable: false 
        configResyncInterval: 0s 
        enablePrivilegedInitContainer: false 
        localProxyMode: Localhost 
        logLevel: debug 
        resources: {} 
        tlsMaxProtocolVersion: TLSv1_3 
        tlsMinProtocolVersion: TLSv1_2 
        enableEgress: true 
        enablePermissiveTrafficPolicyMode: true 
          enable: false 
          failureModeAllow: false 
          statPrefix: inboundExtAuthz 
          timeout: 1s 
        inboundPortExclusionList: [] 
        networkInterfaceExclusionList: [] 
        outboundIPRangeExclusionList: [] 
        outboundIPRangeInclusionList: [] 
        outboundPortExclusionList: [] 

    Two settings have a significant impact on memory consumption. These are enableWASMStats and enablePermissiveTrafficPolicyMode. It appears that setting them both to “True,” or, in other words, enabling them both, leads to excessive memory consumption and a chaotic situation where low-priority pods get killed by K8s.

    To avoid this problem, the best and most secure option consists of disabling permissive mode and defining explicit authorizations when services must be able to communicate with each other.

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