Using Azure Logic Apps Management API
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    Using Azure Logic Apps Management API

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    #ServerlessTips - Azure Logic Apps
    Author: Kent Weare Integration MVP

    Microsoft Azure is a powerful cloud-based platform. As you would come to expect from a hyper scale cloud provider, Microsoft provides a management API plane where developers can call the underlying Azure services without having to access the Azure portal. By calling the underlying API, developers can automate tasks, instead of relying upon a user interface.

    The Azure Logic Apps team has thoroughly documented the management REST API which you can find here. One of the benefits of providing a REST API is that it can be called from a variety of applications and tools. However, one of the challenges that typically emerges when calling APIs is authentication. When it comes to Azure, authentication can sometimes be an issue.

    However, the Azure Resource Manager connector greatly simplifies calling the Azure management APIs. In this post we are going to take a look at a few of operations including:

    • List Workflows
    • List Workflow Runs
    • Trigger History

    List Workflows – This action will list all of your logic apps that exist within a resource group and includes the logic app definition for each logic app. For this particular action, the Short Resource Id is simply just workflows.


    List Workflow Runs – This action will provide the status of the trigger and the overall status of the workflow including start and end time. For this action, our Short Resource Id value is workflows/{LogicAppName}/runs.


    Trigger History – This action will provide the status of the trigger including the start and end time and the id of the logic app instance that it invoked. For this action, our Short Resource Id value is workflows/{LogicAppName}/triggers/{TriggerName}/histories


    In this post, we discussed how we can call the Logic Apps Management API in order to automate some of our operational tasks. We also discovered that we can use the Azure Resource Manager connector to simplify our experience and streamline accessing the underlying data. With this data, we have many opportunities, including backing up our logic apps definitions, reporting and alerting.

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